Sunday, August 28, 2011


Gavin: Dad, can you get me the dancing popcorn in my backpack?
Dan: After your nap.
Gavin: Can you cuddle me (blurb bleeb blab Grandma and Grandpa and trains beep boof blarn)
Dan: Good night, Gavin.
Gavin: Can you cuddle me for seventeen minutes?

Kate: (peeing)
Gavin: (bursts in bathroom) Hey mom... pee or poop?
Kate: Just pee.
Gavin: (taken back) Ummm. WHERE'S YOUR PENIS?
Kate: Oh, mine's called a vagina. I don't have a penis.
Gavin: (thinks it over) Oh. I have a penis.
Kate: (gets up to pull up pants)
Gavin: (gets down under me, angles face up) Hold still mom. I want to see it.

Next day:
Kate: (getting out of shower)
Gavin: You don't have a penis.
Kate: You're right.
Gavin: Yeah. You have hair.