About 6 weeks ago, Gavin started rolling over. Everyone said he'd start crawling pretty soon and then... nada. He's still able to scoot backwards but not quite move forward. We've said "it's going to happen any day now" for over a month. Instead of getting going, Gavin started getting up on all fours He's a bit of a show off - he can do a better plank and downward-facing dog than I can!
We're getting ready for summer. Gavin's working on sleeping in, and Mom's counting down how many days to go until the break begins (incidentally, 16). We're practicing sleeping on the outdoor couch, under the apple tree and taking lazy walks around the lake with friends. This summer, we have big plans to crawl, read, walk, roll, eat, play, and relax. You can find us at the park, library, lake, yard, blow-up pool, and hopefully our hammock!
Have you been wondering what Gavin's first word will be? Well. Let's talk about this. See, in January as I returned to work, Gavin cried for food like this: "Mmmaaahhhhmmmmm!!" and Dan always said, "He's calling you!" So that was his first word, right? Not so fast. Now, Gavin's saying, "HehDad" often, during his sweet, varied syllable babble. Lots of "Heh-Dadadada" and too true, it sounds just like "Hi, Dad." This makes me wonder how parents really figure out what the first word is. I say it's "Mom", Dan says it's "Hi, Dad." I bet one day, he curses and we have to call that his first word.
Gavin can sit, roll, scoot sideways & backwards, and move from sitting to laying. He likes his Baby Mum Mum crackers and his banana puffs. He doesn't like to be alone or be hungry. His days are full of walks and toys. Taking apart the box appeals to him a tad more than playing with the actual toys. He likes "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and this blue toy with a jingle device inside of it. He's madly in love with his Sophie giraffe and likes to smack the plastic stars on the floor. One of his new things is to rub his drooly face on your shoulder and put his mouth on your knees. ?? He's odd, what can we say?? He likes to crawl under the table and scoot the chairs around. He is crazy attracted to the xbox and tuner - and he loves turning the volume up and down! He giggles when you squeeze his thighs (they're more than a handful!) and he still snuggles.
It's so fun to be Gavin's mom! He's fun and wonderful. We're lucky parents. He's one in a zillion!
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