Monday, March 5, 2012


Somehow, I'm starting an early morning boot camp today. I just have some observations to share, and these are for the type of friend that follows your blog posts... not everyone I've ever met, like on Facebook.

Isn't it funny how it's infinitely easier to eat cookies and watch zombie shows than it is to look in the mirror and say to yourself "it's time to do something." Walking Dead was awesome last night, by the way.

Know how they say "nine months on, nine months off?" Kajsa is 16 months old and I've steadily gained for 16 months, currently up 28 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight. The gestational diabetes kept the weight off during the pregnancy, but it's every day since (that I'm allegedly not a diabetic anymore, although probably on my way) that I can't make good choices.

I couldn't carry around a 28 lb backpack all day, yet somehow, it doesn't bother me to have another spoonfull of nutella (curse you, nutella), even though I know it'll make it 28.1...

Isn't it funny that someone whose career is 180 days of the "drops in the bucket theory" (18 years of drops in the bucket to fill the bucket and help make a citizen for the world, one drop at a time) wants the quick fix when it comes to body/food/exercise/weight?

It's crazy but it's been easier to just buy new clothes than to work out and eat right. That's so sad!

I'm grateful for my silly friend who invited me to join her on this boot camp and so glad to tackle something like this with a buddy! We also don't know each other that well, so this will be a nice chance to get to know one another better.

My plan after this month is to buy the running-after-zombies app that speaks to you between your own songs, telling you to run faster because they're right behind you and letting you earn credits for picking up supplies for your group. Awesome.

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