Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa's Favorite... boyeee

Ah... look at the little baby, flashing gang signs. Gavin's first Christmas is just around the corner! We got him a ton of books and some blocks. We already have plenty of what he really wants (formula & diapers). Hey, we know he wants them because he cries until he gets them - daily! So we thought we'd get some toys too.

Gavin's a little bit picky about his toys so far. He has so many toys (thank you, friends and family!) that I had to buy toy storage for a 1 month old! But he likes one toy, and one toy only. And that's his light green dino rattle. It's the only toy that he plays with and looks at. He will hold onto that rattle like it's the key to life. But all of his other toys mean nothing so far. So... the two collectors and hobbyists have a minimalist son? That's weird. Maybe an 800 square foot house will work just fine afterall...

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