Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Party like a toddler

At Zoya's "Baby's First Disco" Gavin partied hearty right up until time to sing Happy Birthday to Zoya, and after all of that crawling, talking, running, playing, climbing, and overall merriment, he just crashed right down, flat on his back among 25? 30? singers, and drank a bottle, all splayed out. I tried to get him to get involved with, you know, Zoya-as-center-of-attention, the song, the people, the cake, the candle... but nope. He was D-O-N-E done.
I just don't know a lot of people who get quite so in tune with their own bodies as toddlers do. I love that he can plop down and satisy his fatigue and thirst, no matter whose birthday it is. I appreciate this about toddlers and I choose to emulate it. In all likliness, I won't throw (many) fits or hit my mom in the face like Gavin. But perhaps, the next time work wears me out, I'll just leave the planning for the next day and head home, to lay on the couch and ignore the birthday girl, so to speak, and meet my own needs first. In fact, this got me thinking a lot about how well Gavin practices self-care. I'm so jealous...
In February, we celebrated baby AJ turning 1 at the Children's Museum in Everett. That place is amazing. Gavin got to draw on the glow-in-the-dark-painted walls with a light pen, climb up into a tree house, play in a water table with about 50 square feet of water activities and toys, and spent nearly an hour in the train table area. Gavin apparently loves trains at the following places: other people's homes; toy stores; children's museums; and waiting rooms. He apparently hates them at home. Santa brought him tons of trains this past Christmas and he couldn't be bothered. So Grandma packed them away with her Christmas decorations so that 'Santa' (wink wink) could bring them back and try again next year. Because toddlers know that if you don't feel like playing with trains, then shoot, you should toss them aside and play with the $.99 recorder that your Dad begged your Mom not to buy. Your Mom will just save the trains for later when you feel like playing with them. Life is too short to play with unwanted toys.
At Ali's birthday at Gymboree, Gavin was mesmerized by bubbles. There must have been a thousand bubbles blown by the party leader. Gavin and I, after much recent over-workage and huge changes at home and at work, including lots less sleep, just stared in awe. And I wish we had more to report about that day but shoot - we slept in, we had coffee, we went to the party, came home and napped, and watched a movie. Just what the doctor ordered. That month of our lives was mostly spent staring at bubbles in complete awe. See? Toddlers know. When the body needs to just soak in life's wonders, all that's needed is a chance to stare at bubbles. The chance is out there - you just need to capture it!
At Carlee's birthday in November, Gavin was an explorer. He toddled right out of the party room (cutting way into Mom and Dad's social time with other Moms and Dads...) and slinked right into the exercise room. He crawled up onto the treadmill. So Dan switched it on and helped him walk! Those two know how to party... And the lesson learned here is that when you're rested and eager, life's treadmills will find you. Your Dad will help you turn on the switch.
So whatever your needs, think about what a toddler would do. Would a toddler stay late at work and miss family movie night? Hell no.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Grant practices self-care just like Gavin! He can fall asleep immediately, anytime, anywhere. I am so jealous of his sleeping super powers.

Love Gavin, can't wait to see him soon!!!!
